Serving at Lakeside is one way to Belong and Grow.


We serve others because Christ has served us. When we serve others, we experience God’s joy. We have a place for you to make a difference! Join one of our volunteer teams.

We love this church, and we guess that you do too. While we have a small staff that helps organize what happens here, it takes hundreds of leaders and volunteers every week to actually be the church God has called us to be. Are you feeling called to this next step in your faith and to help make Lakeside a better place? Click the campus below, and we’ll help you find your place. 

Serve at Lakeside

Click the link below to see available volunteer opportunities.

Serve at Lakeside

Serve In Your Community

Whether you’re an individual, a family, or a Lakeside group, we want to help you find ways to serve in your community. Find a list of community partners that you can serve with to make a lasting impact in your community. 

Serve In Your Community

Serve Around The World

We have partnered with people, churches, and organizations near and far to make a Christ-like impact in every part of our world.
Learn more about these mission partners and how you can either Pray, Support, or Serve them.
Serve Around The World